Jeezy and Jeannie Mai Finalize Their Divorce, Seal Settlement

 Shawn Grant

 June 13, 2024

Jeezy and Jeannie Mai’s divorce is officially final. It comes one year after they separated and featured dramatic accusations on both sides.

According to TMZ, the divorce settlement terms are sealed, leaving no details on how assets and other assets are split. Previous reports state Mai asked not to enforce the prenuptial agreement as she did not have enough time to review it properly before their wedding in March 2021.

A custody agreement for their two-year-old daughter was also sealed after what Jeezy called a “stifled” relationship with his daughter. Opposing the statement, Mai stated Jeezy was unfaithful, didn’t properly secure firearms, and would “walk around the house carrying an AK-47,” sharing images. Mai also said there were moments of domestic violence, stating the rapper physically and verbally abused her. In response, Jeezy called the allegations “deeply disturbing” and was said to “tarnish” his character.

Last month, Jeannie Mai thanked Cassie for speaking out against Diddy. Hitting the comments of Cassie’s Instagram post, Mai wrote:

“In every echo of your bravery, there lies a melody of hope that dances through the silence. Your voice has been a shield and sanctuary for many, including me. Thank you for turning your fight into your light.”

Cassie issued a thank you message for the kind words and support that she has received after a video of Diddy assaulting her went viral.

Thank you for all of the love and support from my family, friends, strangers and those I have yet to meet. The outpouring of love has created a place for my younger self to settle and feel safe now, but this is only the beginning. Domestic Violence is THE issue. It broke me down to someone I never thought I would become. With a lot of hard work, I ma better today, but I will always be recovering from my past.

Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to take this matter seriously. My only ask is that EVERYONE open your heart to believing victims the first time. It takes a lot of heart to tell the truth out fo a situation that you were powerless in.

I offer my hand to those that are still living in fear. Reach out to your people, don’t cut them off. No one should carry this weight alone.

This healing journey is never ending, but this support means everything to me. Thank you.

Love always,